Sunday, March 7, 2010

Home-made Goodness

I love homemade things. They don’t have to be fancy or complicated or take a lot of skill to do. I just like things that people have taken the time to make. What got me to thinking about this was making the bed last weekend. I like to have a nicely made bed and Eric had taken our quilts to the Laundromat to use the industrial size washer and dryer – he had put the mattress pad back on but the bed needed to be made. I started putting the sheets on (flannel cause it’s so damn cold here) and then pulled on the quilts. One quilt was made by my mom – it’s got a plain ivory background and a star like pattern on it. I can’t remember why we got it from her – a Christmas gift maybe? And my mom doesn’t quilt a ton so I always think it’s great that we have something from her that she doesn’t “do” a lot of. I don’t recognize any of the fabrics in the quilt – though I am sure she made it with scraps. The second quilt is a crazy looking quilt that my grandma made. It is made of all flannel material cut in a various shapes and sizes and I am pretty sure it’s really called a crazy quilt. This quilt has a solid red and white striped backing and I think I got it when I was about 15 and loved the color red. It is heavy and warm. I recognize many of the fabrics in the quilt – a nightgown here and an Easter bunny there. My cousins each have a similar quilt and they call theirs a “gully gully”. For the past month or two I have been working on 2 projects; one a growth chart for O made out of wood and the other a play kitchen for him that I found on this great website called you should really check it out. I finally finished the growth chart and am pretty happy with how it turned out – though I used an old can of clear coat and it turned the white paint a kind of aged yellow looking. It doesn’t look bad just not as good as it did before the clear coat. The kitchen is still a work in progress…

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