Wednesday, October 24, 2012

School Daze

Orion has been back in school for about three weeks and it has been rough! He started in the local French school and only French is spoken in his class. I was told his teacher speaks a bit of English but she speaks English like I speak Spanish..."two beers please" and "where is the bathroom?" We have had mornings filled with tears and proclamations about not wanting to go to school. His favorite thing to to ask is "do I have school tomorrow?"

It has been three weeks worth of frustration for O and for us. Trying to read everything that is sent home in French, plugging it into Google Translate and getting the gist of it. Figuring out the pick-up's and drop-off's with no car and what exactly do you pack for snack and how do you pay tuition and what the heck is an inscription fee? Ahh yes, the list of questions has been never ending.

I try to cut my kid some slack and I often think how I would feel if I was dropped into a work environment where everyone around me was speaking a different language but honestly, its been hard to empathize at times. You can imagine the chaos in the morning with everyone trying to get outta the house (School pick up is 7 AM) and then there is O yelling and screaming and carrying on.

Anyways, the point is that this pretty little picture came home in the school notebook yesterday and about melted my heart. I love kiddo drawings but what I love more is that Orion did this in his class in which everyone was speaking French to him and he got it...he understood (at least a little bit) of what was expected of him! Ahh my heart soars.

1 comment:

katy said...

My heart goes out to you! I can imagine how hard it would be for both you and Eric and Orion. Once he settles down (which he will) his relaxed brain will start taking in the French and he'll soar. Just do the best you can until then. He is old enough to understand a coping technique - encourage him to copy the other kids when he doesn't understand. he likely does this already but maybe knowing "this is what he should do when he's confused" will help him feel like he has some control. As for google translate, as I've sure you've discovered, it is really only helpful on a very basic level. You'll pull through! Hugs to all. xo