Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Moyen Section D

Orion's class school picture finally came home! We kept getting these announcements in the dreaded communication book from school that said "due to overwhelming response, please be patient while the pictures are processed". I think I google translated that phrase at least three times but...better late then never and look what came home in the backpack yesterday.

I sat down with O and asked him the names of the children. He did pretty good and named about 80% of the kids in the picture. The kids have complicated names - no Tom's, Dick's or Harry's here - not even one Ashley, Julie or Amy but rather Mahado and Ahawa and Mathilde. Orion pronounces even the more European sounding names with this crazy Frenchy accent - so a name that I would recognize in writing all of a sudden becomes something uncomprehensible with a gutteral French accent. C R A Z Y

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