Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In Search of the Elusive Smile...

Smiles, who knew they would start to rule my world. Talking and interacting with Orion everyday has made me painfully aware that I keep looking for some indication that he is understanding what I say, you know some sort of glimmer in his eye or a nod of acknowledgement. Well, Grandma LouEllen and Grandpa Billy swear that he smiled at Grandpa. I was not there to witness this so can't vouch for the authenticity. I did see a full on smile from Orion when he was being held by our friend Roger and then today of all days he smiled two full on grins to Eric this morning and then Uncle Andy and I both got toothless gummy grins today.
Trying for a smile - its not working very well...

Contemplating how crazy his mom is...

Getting closer...but still not captured on film

1 comment:

katy said...

Oh my he is crazy cute, Stac! How old is he now? Audrey smiled and laughed pretty early. It is thrilling. Can't wait to see his grin.