Saturday, August 21, 2010
So I Thought
On another more exciting, scary, overwhelming and crazy note. We leave on a jet plane for Rwanda tomorrow (are you singing the song in your mind?). It seems absolutely amazing that we have been in the D.C. area for almost exactly two months. We just spent a great week with MB. She helped us out so much and made it that much easier to get things done. Dropping her at the airport made for a sad sad day.
Alright folks - until I figure out our Internet connection in Africa - here's sending you a ton of love and kisses from the Ali Crew to you!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
11 Days to Go
Sunday, August 8, 2010
What A Find
Roger and Joy
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ah Pane - Ah Pane - Ah Pane
These days O is a tad bit obsessed with airplanes. It started when he turned one and we were in Vegas celebrating with the family. The rooftop pool had airplanes flying over it all the time and grandma would continually point them out. This continued as we went and lived with grandma and grandpa for a couple of months. We would be sitting on the back porch and every plane that flew over would be pointed out and by this time O knew the sign for airplane so every time he heard a loud noise he would sign "airplane, airplane". Our new home is the same way - airplanes everywhere - Ronald Regan Airport is only about 6 miles away. Not to mention that we just got new books about going to the airport - thought it might make the flight to Rwanda better (and shorter - but you know I am just kidding myself).
Anyways...we were sitting in the waiting room eagerly awaiting our next set of vaccinations and O picked up the National Geographic sitting on the table - he flips through it and what do you suppose he finds? A HUGE 747 airplane landing over a beach with people right below it. Of course we had to "borrow" the magazine and he wanted to read it at least 20 times a day. I finally googled the picture and found the video above. He has loved watching the videos posted on youtube of this!