Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week 13 or Week 14 - Depends who you ask!

So...this was a big week for Eric and I. Because I am 35 and pregnant (even though I got pregnant at the ripe young age of 34) the midwives I am working with offered us the opportunity to get first trimester screening done. I wasn't too sure this was for me but Eric was really into getting it done - so we got a referral to a perinatal specialist in Albuquerque and had an appointment on Wednesday.

It was actually great! We drove into Albuquerque Tuesday night after work and had a fantastic Vietnamese dinner at a place called Pho Saigon (if you are ever in Albuquerque - I highly recommend it - its at the corner of Louisana and Central) ok...on to things that matter a little bit more :) So we met with a genetics counselor first who put into perspective our risks for having a child with chromosonal abnormalities and then we had a ultrasound where they measure the fat pad on the back of the babies neck -it was so incredibly crazy to see this little peach inside me (the book we have been reading says the child has grown from the size of a lime to the size of a peach - what is it with the fruit examples?). They also note limbs, bladder, heart rate, hands, feet...etc. The ultrasound tech also estimates the weight and measures from the top of the head to the bottom of the bum (officially known as the CRL - crown to rump length) Anyways based on these measurements she dated the baby at 14 weeks and 3 days - one week ahead of where we were initially told we were. Not that it really matters - I dont want to get to obsessive about a due if you are interested and if all goes well this little peach should show up sometime between the last week of October and the first week in November.

That day we also met with a doula - Barbara Steppe - this fantstic woman who will come out to Fort when I am in labor. When I asked her how many births she had attended - she told me she quit counting after 500! YIKES - thats alot of births. You can check out her website at

Until next time...


katy said...

Yipeee!! A healthy bouncing peach! I remember how you love peaches . . . not too ripe if I remember correctly.

Juleskis said...

Congratulations! Curious to know if your doctor has referenced you as "geriatric," as you are 35...I know this happened to Halle Berry and my friend Tiff...go figure, I never thought 35 was geriatric! CONGRATS!