Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tough Week

This has been a tough week, you know the kind that makes you wish you won the lotto so you could retire and spend your days doing whatever the heck you wanted? Why has this been a tough week…let me list it out for you:

1. Our good friends the Willis-Carlberg Crew moved or should I say they are in the process of moving, probably to Atlanta but maybe Northern California. This is a place of transition so you always know people are not going to be living here forever but it still doesn’t make it easy to say “see you later” to people you have grown to love. In between moving they are seeing a bit of the country and then they rented a motorhome to cruise around New Zealand in…now that sounds as good to me as winning the lotto.

2. The weather is killing me. I live way up in the high desert at almost 7000 feet and it has been snowy and cold. Yes, I know the sky is blue but still its so deceiving and a little depressing when you think that you can’t start a garden until after Memorial Day. In fact when I was talking about the “last snow of the season” my above mentioned friend, Heather said “Stacy, don’t you remember when we had the Cinco De Mayo Snow!!?”

3. I will turn 36 on Sunday. Do I really have to go into details about this – the gray temples and laugh lines say it all.

4. I am back to work full-time and I really mean full-time. No half-assed, part time, half days…this is the real deal.

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