Part of my job entails covering the health unit in Bujumbura, Burundi (say that three times fast). I had not been down there since arriving in Rwanda and finally took the plunge last week. It feels hard to leave one job to go look after another but my Regional Medical Officer from Nairobi was visiting so this felt like the perfect time. She came to visit Kigali and then we both flew to Bujumbura. Even though the flight is only about 35 minutes, it was nice to have a companion to travel with.

The most luscious cup of cafe
au lait I have ever had. Seriously amazing.

They sell electronics

Both these guys are barefoot

Glowing green foliage

My little apartment
Love this. I literally was just looking at your Facebook profile and about to post "Tell us more about Bujumbura". I opened your blog and there is was. You read my mind. How kind of you! :)
That coffee looks beyond amazing! Please put a brick on Orion - he is growing too fast
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