Sunday, May 8, 2011

Galata Tower

Our time in Istanbul was so relaxing. It was one of those times where the most important thing was just being together and reconnecting. We didn't make major plans, we didn't stick to some crazy schedule, we just went. We would get up in the morning and decide what we wanted to do for that day - in two weeks we managed to take in all the must see's and have an afternoon nap most days.

This was one of our first days together and we had decided to find the Galata Tower. Easier said than done - all the guide books in the apartment were rather vague about how to get there so with very little information off we went. After a few false starts we managed to find the tower and the requiste line down the steps, out the door and all the way around the square. I took one look at that line and knew there was no way in heck we would manage that with Bill, Eric and O boy. So the boys played in the square while MB and I took a walk around to see exactly how long the line was. After deciding it was waaaay toooo long we popped into a textile shop and each bought a peshemel to use on our visit to the hammam.

You know when you decide to do something (or not do something) while on holiday...I always wonder if I will look back and think "dang, we should have waited in line for 3 hours to climb to the top of Galata Tower". I doubt it but I always wonder. Do you have any regrets about things you did (or didn't do) on vacation?

I love nuts and Istanbul was full of them being sold on every street corner - this provided some much needed nourishment on our Galata Tower adventure.

Mom and Bill look amazingly happy after a crazy adventure to find the Galata Tower.

Silk worms cocoons in the store where we bought our wraps.


katy said...

oooo, please tell us about the hammam! And what is it that you bought? A pashmina? A scarf or something? Explain yourself Ali.

Potters said...

Yes, I always have regrets. For instance, I swear we didn't see this...or missed it. So now I'm wondering, how did we miss this? I guess we'll just have to go back. I love the sound of your vacation, it sounds relaxing, low stress, and perfect!