Monday, May 23, 2011

One from the just Beauties

I remember reading in some guidebook that Istanbul had a Sultan (who was probably called the magnificent or the great) who had this thing for tulips. I can't remember who it was and don't feel like googling this right now - what I do know is that the tulips were amazing. Densly planted in like types...they were amazing. After our one sunny day it was crazy to see how many of the tulips opened up - they were as welcomming to the sun as I was.

I know you love these red hot pokers. Is that their real name? My MB had these growing in the garden of the house I grew up in. Ours were redder and thinner and way more vibrant. I have one of these planted in the garden and it just keeps on blooming. I need to figure out if I can divide these or what...


Cindy said...

Red hot pokers are some of my favorite. Thinking that I need some and now wondering if they will do well here. Looks like they should.

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

Loved 'em in WA, divided them and gave some to my Mom in New Mexico where they THRIVED to the point that they have dug them up and trashed them as they became an invasive weed.

You should be able to divide them easily, like irises...
