Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chain Gangs...Unchained

One of the best things about getting outside of Kigali is the opportunity to check out the amazing scenery. Usually this means lush green hills, school children on their way home, people working the fields or selling veggies on the side of the road. On our recent trip out of town we came across rice fields being worked on by prisoners. It’s crazy to see a bunch of men in orange and pick jumpsuits among the bright green. It tricks the eye. You don’t see this type of scene very often inside Kigali. In our two years here I have seen huge trucks full of prisoners maybe 6 or 7 times. The prisoners in pink jumpsuits are genocidaires – those accused of perpetrating crimes during the Rwandan genocide in 1994. As we sped by this group - or rather slowed down to 30 mph, I didn't see anyone who appeared to be "in charge" you know, like a police officer or soemone in a uniform - which I thought was strange. Are the prisoners that trustworthy? do the powers that be figure they really don't have any place to run to (see the jungle bush in the backround)? 

Working in the fields
Time to head "home"

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