Friday, January 28, 2011

Lake Kivu

We took a quick trip out of Kigali with some friends for the night. We stayed in a 3 bedroom house with 5 adults and 4 kids, creaky floors and one bathroom. This last little detail may not seem like such a big deal until you're the one that gets some sorta stomach flu and had to use that one bathroom on the hour every hour for an entire night. It was hell but hell...I survived. In one of the lucid moments of those 24 hours I remember thinking "I will never dismiss another patients complaints of how horrible a stomach bug can be". We'll see how long that lasts! yeah right!

O Boy enjoying the water - hopefully schisto free!

Beautiful views coming into the town!

Dave and Kai floating in the lake

The Tall One expresses his love for water!

View from the deck of the house we rented.

1 comment:

WasSoggyInSeattle said...

I LOVE your blog. I am amazed everytime I visit and see some new and wonderous place in Africa. All we think about when we hear "Africa" is dry, thristy landscapes with thousands of antelope, gnus or whatever trekking in search of water. Your photos are amazing and give me a whole new urge to visit!

Keep on writing and photographing!!
